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Divorce The Fake You and Marry The Authentic You through The Self Vows Program

Discover new joys as you learn to let go of living the way that others think you should and, instead, live your life as the real YOU




The 4 B’s concept was first introduced in The Breaking Point a Full Circle Journey. At some point, we all are faced with a breaking point and we all must make the choice to become unstuck. How do we make the decision to break up with the things that don’t serve us? Do you continue to be involved in toxic relationships? Are you carrying baggage into your personal and professional life? What will happen if you don’t restructure your life? What are the triggers that cause you to walk in fear? Are you ready to do the work in an effort to unleash your purpose? Perhaps all these questions resonate with you, but your only question left is: how?


This program will not only answer all those questions, but it will help you reflect deeply after asking the difficult questions in each section. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, there are questions specifically for your situation. I must warn you that you must be vulnerable and transparent as you navigate from section to section. I recommend even if you are in a relationship, answer the questions for singles as well. Remember who you are as an individual is how you show up in your relationship with Self and others.


 I realized that The 4B's in my first book was the foundation of how to navigate through the most effective program you will ever take in your life. I am confident in that statement because The Self Vows is about "YOU"!


Finding the answers to your inner questions is half the battle, you must have a strong sense of who you are and who you want to become. As you progress step by step your life plan will develop. By the time you complete the program it will be clear what steps are needed to break through the tough conversations and breakout into your purpose. There are engaging exercises after you complete each section. While they are challenging, they are just what you need to delete, reset, restructure and ultimately heal. No one can tell you how to be the best version of you but as you go through this journey, you will begin to evolve into the beautiful unique person you are.


I am so excited that I get to witness your transformation and walk with you through this life-changing moment. You will hear my voice via text, videos and in some cases 1 on 1. Let’s get started and get the life you want.


You will hear my voice via text, videos and 1 on 1. Let’s get started and get the life you want.


Create a compelling future that excites you as you end this journey of discovery and start a new one as the real, authentic you!

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